Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I haven't gotten through much of Steiner so, I'm going to hold of on analyzing anything from the book just for now. I just wanted to put some of my notes up for the day. Hysterical in Ancient Greece meant that the womb of a woman had become unattached to the woman. This made her crazy or hysterical. Wow! I know a few women like that... sometimes its ok to be hysterical.
hys·ter·i·cal (h-str-kl)
1. Of, characterized by, or arising from hysteria.
2. Having or prone to having hysterics.
3. Informal Extremely funny: told a hysterical story.

That's what we would define as hysterical now! Funny how when times change the meanings of words change too.

Mythos means story. When asked to tell the story, you don't have to tell the truth because it is a story! I wish I had thought of that when my parents asked me the same thing. Speaking of parents, I agree with Antigone in the story. Laws that govern family are much more important than the laws that govern society. I also think that the laws that govern family are much more bendable. They are not as cut and dry as the laws of society. Families are all disfunctional!

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