The story of Cupid and Psyche is beautiful. It speaks of love. That is why it is so wonderful. That cliche that says All is Fair in Love and War. That is exactly how Aphrodite and Cupid treat that relationship! Psyche gets caught up in all the frenzy and then so do her sisters. I feel for poor Psyche because she went through hell for Cupid!
Seriously... that just goes to show that you will do anything for the person that you love. She didn't even know that her lover was Cupid for quite some time. She loved what he did for her and how he loved her. Aphrodite just plays the jealous woman in the situation. Psyche is beautiful and people came to love her and adore her as if she were the next Aprodite. So, Aphrodite got jealous and sent Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a terrible man. Cupid does the typical thing and does what he knows will make his mom mad! He decides to take Psyche as his wife. What a guy! He disobeys his mom and hurts her feelings all at once! What is that?!?! Then Aphrodite finds out and tries to tell Cupid that she isn't good enough for him. Typical mom... no woman is good enough for my boy! This story is so great because it is everyday life for me!