Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Group Presentations

All of the group presentations were awesome! They made us laugh and laugh! Good work everyone! I thought that they were all super duper incredible!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Eat the roses!

We are all asses and we just need to eat the roses! Maybe that will create world peace? I doubt it though!

One has to disobey to have a story. That's a really good saying. Dr. Sexson said who said it but I didn't write it down. It's true though. Who wants to listen to a story about the pretty dog who never peed on the floor and ate all his food and was perfect? BORING!!! Life is full of surprises and all these trials and tribulations. Of course you don't want to read about your own life because we, for the most part, don't disobey! Yeah, we may skip class once in a while, but we aren't bad. None of us really has that great of a story to tell. The day to day just isn't that exciting! That Eve though... man she was devilish!

Psyche means soul. Many people think that it is the mind, but that is your brain. Sorry to simplify everyone. Psyche means soul because it is a combination of everything that makes you work. It means the feelings and thought. Butterflies are the image of the soul/ Psyche! She is pictured with wings in the end of the story so that she can be with Cupid. It really is a soul searching adventure. The soul is searching for love and meaning in that love.

Watch The Storyteller by Jim Henson! He truly was a wonderful man... he gave us Fraggle Rock! Here's a UTube of Hans the Hedgehog

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Cupid and Psyche

The story of Cupid and Psyche is beautiful. It speaks of love. That is why it is so wonderful. That cliche that says All is Fair in Love and War. That is exactly how Aphrodite and Cupid treat that relationship! Psyche gets caught up in all the frenzy and then so do her sisters. I feel for poor Psyche because she went through hell for Cupid! Seriously... that just goes to show that you will do anything for the person that you love. She didn't even know that her lover was Cupid for quite some time. She loved what he did for her and how he loved her. Aphrodite just plays the jealous woman in the situation. Psyche is beautiful and people came to love her and adore her as if she were the next Aprodite. So, Aphrodite got jealous and sent Cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a terrible man. Cupid does the typical thing and does what he knows will make his mom mad! He decides to take Psyche as his wife. What a guy! He disobeys his mom and hurts her feelings all at once! What is that?!?! Then Aphrodite finds out and tries to tell Cupid that she isn't good enough for him. Typical mom... no woman is good enough for my boy! This story is so great because it is everyday life for me!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Test Monday!!!

1. Which birds represent Procne and Philomela?
swallow and nightingale respectively

2. Ate?
infatuation to the point of being ruined

3. Who was the original artisan/ architect/ artificer?

4. Who is the God of sleep, dreams and disguises?

5. What should we avoid at all costs?
Old people

6. What is the aristophanes' theory about soulmates?
Two people were joined in the beginning and then split apart

7. Tragedy emphasizes (blank) and Comedy emphasizes (blank)
individual, society or community

8. Plato- how does one reach immortality of the soul?
knowledge, virtue

9. Everything Socrates learned about love he learned from a (blank)
woman/ Diotima

10. What is Socratic Irony?
claiming to know nothing

11. What does Icarus fail to do that leads to his demise?
fly the middle path/ he flew too close to the sun with wax wings and they melted

12. What was the contest between Minerva and Arachnae? What was the difference between their pictures?
Minerva depicted the good the Gods do and Arachnae depicted the bad

13. What is the final frame of the painting by Velasques "the spinners"?
Europa/ Rape of Europa

14. What does Pentheus mean?
man of constant sorrow

15. How is Cadmus related to Pentheus?
Cadmus is his grandpa

16. What was Ulysses claim to Achilles weapons?
Ulysses is the one that started the Trojan war/ Glory

17. What Shakespeare play was inspired by Philomela et al?

18. What is a characteristic of new comedy?
Boy wants girl

19. What is anagnorsis?
recognition/ the end of the Bacchae when it isn't a lions head

20. First instance of framing in metamorphoses?
Story of Pan and Syrinx

21. What is grace?
awareness of Gods' presence in the world

22. omofagia?
eating of living flesh

23. what is love the child of?
poverty and contrivance

24. How old will the Metamorphoses be in 2008?
2,000 years old

25. What was Daphne turned into?
Laurel tree

26. Naso

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Another way to say museum... musey room. The muses inspired that art so why not let them take credit for it!

The Louvre contains some great art that was most likely inspired by the Muses.

Another play on words phenomenal is a fun animal. Given the defention I can see how that is a reasonable play on words.

1.highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional: phenomenal speed.
2.of or pertaining to phenomena.
3.of the nature of a phenomenon; cognizable by the senses.

Ate- infatuation to the point which you ruin your life.

an ancient Greek goddess personifying the fatal blindness or recklessness that produces crime and the divine punishment that follows it.

I guess that Ate is the reason for the infatuation. She is the Godess that is working her magic on the mere mortals.

Sophocles said that moral life can never have any meaning without ate. I can see how that is true, but at the same time not. If your life is completely consumed with someone else how do you know that you're infatuated. How do you know that your life has meaning without being conscious to that meaning? I don't really agree with Sophocles.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

5 Lines

I chose my five lines from Phaethon because I love that story.

And as the flames devour his ruddy hair,
young Phaethon plummets down; he pivots round
his burning body, trailing in the air
the sort of track that one can sometimes see
when-- through clear skies-- a star will seem to fall

I chose these lines because they made such a tragic even seem like something sort of good. When you see a shooting star you are usually happy about it. They made me feel like I was looking up at the sky seeing Phaethon fall from the chariot with the big horses charging on with no driver. It spoke to me! ;)


We discussed how Buddha was sheltered from sickness, old age, and death from the time when he was a baby. That really makes me sad. I mean I know that it isn't good to want anything bad to happen to other people, but it's life literally. I mean we all search for this deeper meaning and I won't say that I'm exempt from that criteria. I just don't think that we should want the world to be a perfect peaceful place. It never has been even from the beginning. The world started when the gods defeated the titans! I mean really people... the Buddha being sheltered is a pile of crap! Finally he went out and saw the world and that is how he became enlightened or at least that is how I understand the story. I just get really angry that all these people want world peace and they don't see a need for any violence. EARTH to the world!!!! It's here... heartache, depression, illness, death, violence, and murder. We live around it everyday. There is no shelter from it. Sorry buddha, but I'm glad that you finally saw the light!

A little more info on Buddhism from WIKI!
I'm a little partial to the big fat laughing buddha, but that's just me. It just proves that even if you're enlightened and know the not so great stuff exists in the world you can still be happy!