Today I've been struggling with everything! It seems like quite a drama filled day! DRAMA!!! The four writers who define classical drama are Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophonies, and Aeschylus. I've never heard of the last one, but I'm sure that during this class I will find out more. OOOHHHH! Wikipedia opportunity! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeschylus#Biography This is his biography and from there you can find out what plays he wrote! FANTASTIC!!!
The most truthful phrase that I've ever heard in my life was said today in class! Men are useful but not necessary! That is honestly the truth. I don't know that I would want to be A sexual because that's just no fun! Men really are useful, they take out the trash, cut the firewood, and rub your back when it hurts. They aren't however necessary because women can do all of the above, we just don't always like to do these things.
Antigone! What an amazing woman! She is incredibly unselfish! At the same time she is a little bit selfish because you wonder if she didn't bury her brother just to make everyone mad. She's a powerful amazing woman nonetheless. Her name means... against the womb?!?! That doesn't make much sense to me. Another chance for wiki! It means opposite of her ancestors. That makes a lot more sense since all of her ancestors seem to be slightly off their rockers. She was strong and faithful to her values unlike the rest of her family who were backstabbing incest creeps! SCARY! If you want to see more about Antigone's name here's the link!
That's about all that I have energy for tonight!
1 comment:
At least I'm not the only one who sees Antigone as a little rebelios creep. Ok creep is to harsh but I deffinetly agree that she was just trying a little to hard to be a marter. She probably didn't expect to actually die. Just a little royal family brat who expects (regardless of sex) to get attention by misbehaving and then to end up being to above the law to get in trouble, perhaps.
Cool observation on the part about her being opposite of the ancestors for sticking to her morals. But you have to remember, although i personally think highly unlikely, Macbeth had no idea the incestuos relationship he was in. I actually think he wasn't to bad of a ruler. Anyway. The Gods just had it in for him. So it wasn't like Antigone's whole family was a bunch of sickos, they were just ill-fated ( i think it even says that in there). Leave it up to the gods *ahem*Zeus*ahem* to be so philandering. Even so, Antigone's ancestors did the wrong thing and she did the right thing. So props for figuring that out. :D
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