I'm not so sure that I understand what Dr. Sexson was saying when he said the redemptive power of art on Wednesday. I just don't think I have quite gotten a grasp on the concept yet. From what I got this means that art can change your life and others. This is like when Daedalus turned his attention to the unknown arts (he made wings among other things). This gave him the power to change his life and others. Art can change people or lift a curse on a family or change a serial rapist like Zeus.
We completed our defenition of tragedy the other day in class. It is comprised of wasted youth, death, and the worst thing that you could possibly imagine. Tragedians used to compete with one another to see who could come up with the most terrible tale of suffering. That's twisted. If you have ever seen the movie Saw it is sort of like this. This "mastermind" makes up these puzzles where you have to give up something you love to live and stuff like that. Would you be able to cut the key to a mask that would smash your face to bits in a minute out of your lover's eye? I mean the saw movies are getting stupider as they go on, but the first one definetly thinks in twisted ways like tragedy. Are the people who wrote this stuff conscious of what tragedy used to be based on though that is my biggest question? If they aren't aware of what they are doing they are just sick individuals! That really creeps me out. I don't like knowing that there are people in our society living today that think like that. Someone could really do that stuff to people! EWWW!
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